Mainline SMT fans, how are you feeling about the future of the franchise right now?

Only thing I said about you was that I don't understand how you can have that kind of attitude. And yes, I have several PMs from you on several different forums asking for information. My answer each time? A permutation of "I got nothin'." Which is true. I had no idea this was even going to be in the Direct otherwise I probably would've been a lot more vocal about it.

But here's where we vastly differ:

I or anyone else reacting to this trailer shouldn't be blamed for a terrible mismanagement of expectations at all

How? Up until yesterday, the game was little more than vaporware. There was nothing to go on other than a name. Two companies came together in Japan with the idea of making a title that draws from two franchises that each span 7 out of the 8 generations of consoles, with spinoffs, etc., and of all the possible forms it could take, you feel like the company not only misled you, but is at fault and owes you an apology because it wasn't what you envisioned. I certainly don't think you can call it bait and switch. If the original teaser from 2013 said "SMT x FE, awesome new RPG from ATLUS/Nintendo" and then we showed you footage of an FPS where Jack Frost was riding on a Pegasus shooting demons, then yeah, ok. That's bait and switch. But we literally had 6 letters to go on: SMT x FE.

But here's the big difference between your comment and your original post. Your whole post says "we this..." "we that..." whereas your comment is nothing but "I this..." and "I that..." That makes it a lot more palpable to discuss. And again, your OP started off with some good points that could have led to some valid discussion about the game, but then you go off on a wild tangent about the company that is only 50% of the game's title - there's not even a clear indication about how much one series contributed versus another. Why? Because there's not enough information out there.

It's super great that you were a huge fan of this game, and that you talked it up to a lot of your friends and online, etc. That's awesome! That's the pinnacle of what a good fan can be for any company. But the game let you down. Well, 1 minute and 47 seconds of sample footage that had little to no context of the actual game itself let you down. So instead of saying "huh, well that sucked, I wonder what the gameplay is going to be like?" or even "man, that's disappointing -- I wonder what could be next in the SMT franchise," you're wailing into the sky "WHYYYY ATLUS!? WHY HAVE YOU FORSAKEN ME?" (and presumably blasted the game/company/me on those same forums.) All because of less than two minutes of footage.

I'm not trying to silence your opinions at all - you started to get into them in the OP, but then you kind of lost your way. The comment does a little bit of a better job at voicing your personal beliefs, and while I think I understand where you're coming from, I don't agree with them at all.

I enjoy discourse, I encourage feedback, I like being proven wrong (it happens a lot). But here's what I don't like: Baseless assumptions like this whole paragraph

I'm perfectly within reason to suggest that SMT is getting the shaft in at least some way - otherwise, why would the initial trailer have existed? From this it is entirely fair to extrapolate, given the common knowledge that Persona is ATLUS' "money-maker", that SMT (or SMT-themed, whatever have you) is by comparison difficult to market, and therefore that its continuation may be threatened.

The other assumption that really grinds my gears is this:

I know I'm not alone in understanding this situation

You don't understand the situation. You start spouting these wild allegations as fact because you got let down after two years. I'm trying to tell you, it's ok. The trailer didn't meet your expectations, and you feel that the two year wait was a huge let-down. That sucks. Not going to tell you your feelings are wrong. But just about any way to approach your letdown/disappointment is better than "the company is wrong for letting me down."

/r/Megaten Thread Parent