Making a bullwhip

Whip Basics - "Electrical Tape in Nylon Whips" [24:43]

More and more "whip makers" think, that the use of electrical tape on the inside of nylon whips (and even sometimes in leather whips) is good. Well. I don't think so. Braiding a whip is a high art. Wrapping some strands with cheap electrical tape is not. But see for yourself. The whole video is more a guide & help for customers to help to ask the right questions before spending their hard earned money for mainly a pile of roles of electrical tape. I know that some whip makers won't like this video. But - like I said - this video is not here to help increase any sales. It's here to protect the customers. If you're a whip maker who doesn't use electrical tape at all - tell it on your homepage. And - seriously - you shouldn't lie on that...

WhipBasics in Sports

7,637 views since Jan 2015

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