MRW the guy I'm seeing bails twice in one week on the first thing I've ever really needed his support on, but its for a concretely valid reason.

So I had my first gallery showing this week, and I've been asking him for months to be there. All of my friends bailed first, so my anxiety had me in knots. He promised to come, and help run it/offer support.

He bailed the week of, offered to come the day before at least to help set up, then bailed on that too. And all of this is after Ive dropped everything numerous times to help him, and risked a ton to be there when he needed it.

BUT...he bailed for a valid reason. Without getting into to much detail, he had some legal trouble a while back (nothing serious) and his dad paid all the fines/lawyer fees. In return, he agreed to help with a job that happened to fall over the weekend of my event.

Trolls, I don't know how to feel. I'm upset, in part because the gallery bombed- not a huge turnout. And I feel like I'm partially blaming him for everyone else not showing. Im upset that I'm upset-- i don't know if its valid to be angry with him, in fact, I don't think it is. But I can't shake the disappointment in him and my friends. I'm really bummed.

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