Mama Gratti's owner(s) treatment of their employees

Oh this TRULY pisses me off. When I first moved to Halifax I worked for an asshole restauranteur for only a couple of weeks. I knew exactly what I was getting into the minute I met him, laughingly telling me about the girl I'm replacing, quote, "the stupid little fuck who can't get anything right". She made really simple mistakes that would only be corrected with time, and here he was calling her a retard. So I knew instantly that he was going to be a problem. But I was desperate for a job, so I decided to tough it out.

Fucking douchebag. I started making the same mistakes this girl did, because it was my first fucking week at this job. But I was really proud of myself, I'd leave and think, 'you know, I made the appropriate amount of mistakes for my first couple of shifts', whereas the younger me would go home and cry about it. The other people working there had been there since they were teenagers, for some of them this was their first job, and they didn't know any better. So they also gave me a hard time, even though he berated us ALL THE TIME in front of customers. He was so obnoxious. They were shocked when I started snapping back at him. I'm the last person in the world to get aggressive, but man oh man did he bring it out in me. First and only job I ever walked out on.

I do not abide managers berating their employees, in any manner, in front of customers or not. Unless they did something horribly immature, they need guidance not an upbraiding. They're not servants. That girl you're talking about? I just want to give her a big hug. I want to tell her that mistakes are natural, even really really really "stupid" ones. People get overwhelmed in their first shifts, if you stick with them they'll become good employees if you respect them enough. I believe people don't truly get comfortable in a job until 3-6 months. Nobody should be made to cry at a job. You have to be a psychopath to publicly humiliate a person.

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