This man handling the police

That's another bad thing whitey does: they disenfranchise black people and make it difficult for them to advance socioeconomically. Further, white people commit just as much crime, but they are not policed as heavily, but when they are caught, they are shown clemency more often, they are charged less often, they are given lesser sentences for the same crimes and even with similar criminal histories, so the statistics reflect a highly distorted picture.

Americans are highly propagandized to believe certain things about black people, and this smear campaign has been happening ever since the early days of slavery. It's devastating and wicked what white people have done to black people, and you are foolishly falling for propaganda, hardening your heart, continuing the cycle. But, be certain of this, one day matters will be set straight by a Judge greater than any human judge, and you will no longer be able to deny the truth.

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