Manifesting a break up

I used be nearly obsessed by one person in particular. There was a time when I was so pathetically desperate after we stopped speaking that I would have done nearly anything to see her again.

Two years passed and my obsession was kind of distance memory, although I still liked her very much. One day I emailed her out of the blue and she responded, inviting me to get together (not alone but with a group of her friends). At that point, the thought that I would ever see her again was out of my mind. I expected nothing to come of that email.

I ended up declining the offer to hang out, but six months later she asked again, this time for us to hang out one on one. I agreed and she ghosted me. Never apologized and never explained.

About a year later when I had gotten over it all, I reached out inviting her to an event and she was quite awful to me and basically said she didn’t want to hear from me ever again and that I should just move on.

I’m still confused by how this played out. Why did she suddenly want to see me when I had given up all hope of that ever happening?

/r/NevilleGoddard Thread