struggled all my life with romance

What worked like a charm for me was to just have a full on imaginative romantic relationship (purely imaginative for the awesome fun of it) where this person and I were in my ideal realtionship. We loved and adored each other. We were best friends. We were truly happy together. This person was my person to go to as I was his. We trusted each other and had a great connection with great communication. - After a few months of savoring this fantasy relationship it felt so real to me (and remember I just did it for the fun of it!) that you could not have convinced me that I was not in this wonderful relationship. Sure it was in my imagination, but it felt real. I knew it was not in my 3D but quite frankly, I am 100% certain it will absolutely show up because it feels THAT real to me.

However, the point of me going on about this is that due to this amazing relationship I had in my imagination that felt so real to me, I was able to dump all these negative core beliefs about myself because within the context of this imaginarty but very real feeling relationship they were no longer true. My self concept changed 100%. I no longer felt unloved, unwanted, uncared about. I no longer felt I didnt matter, that my needs didn't matter, that I was alone and couldn't count on or trust anyone. All of those horrible beliefs that dogged me for decades could not exist anymore because they were not true for me anymore because I gave myself all the wonderful love I needed in my imagination. And it changed the core of who I am. My life as been so different since this. I mean, I can actually see a huge difference in how people interact with me. In the last several weeks, I have made three great friends out of the blue when for the last decade, I could not seem to make one. People are awesome and friendly and warm to me now. I feel like people just look forward to seeing me just to say hi and they always do say hi! The difference is astounding. And it is simply because I went into my imagination and gave myself all the things I always needed, and as a result, having those needs me seemed to dramatically change my self concept which then shifted my 3D to abide by my new self concept.

Go into your imagination and have a great time for the fun of it. Give yourself what you want in all the ways you want it to be. Do it because it feels good. Do it because it is rewarding and fulfilling. Do it often throughout the day for a while. Expect nothing other than it to be a great time. Then see how wonderful of an impact that experience you are giving yourself because you deserve it has on you, your self concept and your life.

/r/NevilleGoddard Thread