How to figure out what I want

Take a simple objective desire ( money ) and think about it subjectively. Neville always says that "feeling is the secret", so think what someone would feel while having that much money? Is it a relief that you are financially secure or you want to go shopping and shopping gives you euphoria, or you want to travel and you can travel without having to worry about the expenses so much etc. Come up with scenarios that elicit feelings associated with your desire. Now, remember what Neville said emotions are not important but the feeling is, like when someone says something hurtful to you, how do you feel. Now, use those feelings deduced from your scenarios and construct a 10sec mind movie with you in the first person perspective because in the Five lessons book, he states that you have to be the one looking at your desire instead of you looking at yourself. Replay the movie in your head as many times as you want, until you are convinced that you have received your wish. Thats, it.

/r/NevilleGoddard Thread