Has anyone Nevilled their way out of an addiction?

Main thing to remember is that this is all about states. So when you focus on yourself as having an addiction, that is a state you keeping yourself in and you have to change that state. Any time you give thought to that state that you do not want, any time you give it life in your mind and wear it as who you are, you are manifesting more of that. So the key is to imagine yourself and your life as someone who is the person you want to be. Imagine yourself living that life. Imagine what it is like to live free of the addiction and use that as your anchor so that you can go there in your mind when you have a tough time. The more you imagine yourself as you want to be, the more natural it becomes to you. The more natural it becomes to you, the more you begin to embody that state as a normal thing.

So, as a way to help you start taking on a new state, I want you to think about your day as someone who is sober and living a life free of addiction. What are your days like? What do you do? How do you feel?

Also, stop referring to yourself as an addict. As you label yourself so shall you be. Choose a different label. If you don't feel right calling yourself a recovered addict then maybe just don't call yourself an addict at all. It becomes your reality because you identify with it and wear it as a state. You need a new state that you desire rather than an old one you are looking to get rid of or change.

/r/NevilleGoddard Thread