This is a map of my fiction world I created on ms paint. I want you to ask me some questions, give me criticism and tell me things that you like about the map so I can flesh it out

I thank you for taking the time to comment :D

You're criticisms are all things I need to work on and I just spaced them all apart equally and not because there was anything special about that particular space of land or any reason to build a city on it.

About the little blue corner. That was a mistake made during the production of the map and was not suppose to be there.

There is not magic in this world and the only way people get across the continents is by boat. I admit I didn't size the continents properly and I didn't think of the travel when I made this, I am not as good at geography as most in this subreddit.

The lands of infection and sickness were once a part of Giga until a plague emerged. It started when a traveller named J'thie went to the isles of pestilence and contracted numerous diseases and bought them to Giga

/r/worldbuilding Thread Link -