Marvel's "Inhumans" - Official SDCC 2017 Trailer

I don't know how to feel about this. I always try to be optimistic about MCU movies and television, and that is never hard. Even films/shows like The Incredible Hulk, The Dark World, certain seasons of AOS, or Iron Fist, which are considered to be the MCU at its worst, aren't even bad by any means for the most part. It's just that we're used to everything MCU being picture perfect, and when something doesn't meet that golden standard, a lot of pressure is out on it.

Inhumans is the first time where I genuinely feel like it's gonna be bad. A lot of the acting is noticeably off, Triton's makeup is terrible, and the costume/set design looks really bland. The CG is a little bit off, but this is the first trailer, so there's a lot of time to improve on it. The best description I've seen of it is that it look like one of those bad SyFy Channel shows that never get a second season.

All in all, I think the best way to be able to enjoy Inhumans is to go in with low expectations. I'm being really pessimistic right now, especially since we don't have a lot to go off of, and I hope I'm wrong about this show.

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