I masturbate regularly and I’m 13 and a girl.

Same age here, but a guy, I only started recently and felt weird about it too. I can imagine it feels even weirder as a girl because at least some of my friends will joke about it openly (never saying if they actually do it) and I don’t hear it openly talked about it with any of my female friends (they might just not be talking about it near any guys) I’m not saying you should tell your friends. I actually would say you shouldn’t because you never know who might spread the word and at this age not every one does it so it may be looked at in a different way than in a few years. Don’t feel like you need to stop. As long as it doesn’t effect your social life/academic, it should be fine. This may be a more personal thing but I know I only will do “it” when no ones home and no one will be home for a while, I do this because being caught wouldn’t be the end of my life, just very, very, awkward. If you feel the same don’t leave any trace of it happening to avoid any possible situations you don’t want to be in, best of luck. - random kid on the internet giving advice on masturbation

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