Me [23F] with my boyfriend [25M] of two years. The past haunts me.

"I think I want to marry you, you're perfection, I've never known anyone like you, I want to earn respect from your father".

Argh.... the bit about "earning respect from your father" made this just extremely cringeworthy... but then again, some people are completely into that.

I still (after two years) find myself getting jealous of the super-model type women he dated, that the lines that he used on me were the same lines he used to bang girls at parties.

I mean if you can't overcome these feelings, there's really no purpose on being with your bf. This is your issue to deal with.

He doesn't have any female friends that aren't mutual friends, or innocent co-worker relationships.

Which is weird... so does your bf believe in platonic relationships? Or what's his attitude towards them?

Any advice from someone who occasionally gets this way?

Well, the past is usually the past. However, certain aspects still have an impact on the present. If someone has completely different values (e.g. no platonic friendships are possible, using others just for sex etc.), it might simply be that you're too different. This is really up to you.

/r/relationships Thread