
My argument of Fourth of July is that its a proper noun name and not a sentence. Thats the name, that happens on the date.

When you read the Declaration of Independence, it says “July 4, 1776”.

And your arguments about computing is nonsensical. Computers read things in 0s and 1s, 8 bit chunks, and are read by, once again, computers.

Words are read by non-machine people. Our brains operate in a way wholly different from computers and human language should be dictated singularly by the ease of use for humans.

And your argument about language barrier is also somewhat wrong, because most the world you are saying does it “right” use the Gregorian calendar. And so this also applies. The structure we choose for months and days lends itself to be read more concisely as month / day. Language changes how we interpret data however, but we have a lot of agreed upon and logistical ways to read things.

Take, for example, the x and y plot correlation. Graphs dont change the order they are read based on language. Likewise, the UK doesnt have calendars different from what we have here in the US. My argument doesnt change based on language used. Its based on the format of the Gregorian calendar.

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