
It’s not dense. A vegan diet may be less harmful to animals than someone who isn’t vegan, but a lot of animals still have to die a horrible death for a vegan to keep up with their diet. Also, all those almonds and avocados have to be trucked around the country, and it takes a shit load of water to grow, so veganism is also contributing massively to climate change and water shortages.

You want to be a vegan fine, but don’t act all high and mighty, and talking about us non vegans like we deserve to die because we eat meat. As I said before, both of our diets result in animals suffering and dying, both of our diets contribute to climate change and water shortages, and the difference isn’t big enough to justify the attitude the OP took that my life doesn’t matter.

You want to be able to take the moral high ground, become a hunter. Otherwise STFU.

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