At a middle school in my state.

Image Transcription: Instagram Story

[unknown author:]

Today, a counselor at Sinaloa Middle School said and i quote "when i get complaints like 'he was touching me' or 'he was looking at me weird and it made me will say that part of it is your fault because of what you were wearing." She said this to my friends and I because they were wearing scoop neck tank tops that she said were acceptable and weren't breaking the dress code but continued to say that they had to zip up their jacket or they would get sent to the front office. She claimed that they were showing a lot of cleavage when the tank tops were high enough to only show a tiny part of the top of their chests. It is really upsetting that this counselor thinks it is okay to say that if we get touched without consent, it will partially be our faults. Before she came up to us, she had dress a student that was wearing a fitted shirt and said that she "didn't have to see the shirt dip into her cleavage." Just because a girl has boobs, mean she should be sexualized and dress coded when she was fully covered and wasn't showing anything. The dress codes that schools have seem to sexualize girls. They aren't based on the clothes. rather than body and how they fit. If a girl with bigger boobs wore a tank top she'd be sexualized and told to change immediately, but if a girl with a flat chest wore the same shirt, no one would say anything. I can prove this because V-neck shirts are against dress code and i wore one without a jacket and was around many staff members. They didn't say anything to me but if I had a bigger chest would have been dress coded. Since dress sexualize girls' bodies, we want to protest it on Friday, October 15th. Please repost this to let others know because this isn't okay. Feel free to join out protest as well. tysm!!

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