Measles Explained - Do you really need to vaccinate?

Even tho i think you are trolling.

. How can learning the exact nature of what's meant to be injected into you/ your kid be a bad thing?

Its not, ask the doctor you trust (or ask different doctors if you don't trust him, or use other sources like the library/journals/internet/study medicine) and you will get the answer. No one EVER said its a bad thing, its actually the OPPOSITE, hence we got videos like this. Always inform yourself about stuff like that, this is the whole point of it.

Vaccines aren't necessarily bad, but when you pump a many of them into a body in a very short time span (or all of once) interactions can happen that ARE harmful.

Never heard of that. I get an injections every couple years, not so sure this can be "too much". Anyways, if you are right and it REALLY is an issue, then please name the doctor who is ignoring this to your authorities so something will be done. Its like any other mistreatment.I personally never had any problem in that regard,nor any single person i have ever met in my life. So i guess they are doing something right, but as i said, if you know for a fact that this causes problems and is ignored by a treating doctor, do something.

Make sure your child's immune system is strong enough to handle it. Read what the ingredients actually are and review the side effects that are distributed with the vaccines. Make sure that the risks don't out-weigh the benefits.

Exactly, But once agan i would suggest to trust your trusted doctor, cause chances are slim that a normal parent will understand a single thing about those ingredients. The worse thing are parents that have no idea about that stuff and then try to "make their children's immune system stronger" even tho they aren't really sure how this is done or what it actually means and might hurt their children cause of misinformation. Regarding the last sentence of this quote, the easiest way to make that sure is through a conversation with your doctor (pretty normal procedure like with any other medical treatment) or, as i said, you learn that stuff yourself. You maybe didn't watch the video for whatever reason, but doctors all over the world are exactly doing what you are asking parents to do (which is almost impossible, as 99% won't have the knowledge to decide that just by themselves). If you get allergic reaction....the risks outweigh the benefits, so you don't take it. Or if you have HIV....or a bad immune system, which is more likely the older you are and so on.

There are risks and noooooobody wants to talk about them

everybody talks about it, hence this video. did you seriously didn't watch it? And the risks are huuuuuuuuuge to say it in your words if you DON'T take them. Measles are just ONE of many problems that will reoccur if people stop to vaccinate their children. Also there are plenty studies and discussion regarding the risks of taking it and they answer the question if these risks are worth it....and the answer is simply "yes". Its NOT a taboo. Stop using straw head arguments.

Remember: the people pushing these vaccines make their profit from illness.

Wait what? How does that make any sense? Once again, did you watch the video? If people do want to make profit from illness, which might be the case, they definitely want you to STOP vaccinating your children cause this will CAUSE various and dangerous illnesses.

If anybody slams me for this statement you know that they are shilling (or brainwashed)

This has nothing to do with anything.

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