The media and my fellow Americans treat me like I am a TERRORIST because I support Trump...I am scared to show my support for Trump due to the fear of being beaten bloody, or having my belongings destroyed. When did voting... make me a terrorist? I think it's time for people to wake up...

My whole city is after my throat, somebody has been hacking my cell phone as the battery has been dieing obviously quicker and I'll go to mcdonalds in the morning and the people working there laugh at things that had just happened to me but present it in such a way that I would sound like a nut I also had another phone stolen and when I reported it to the police (African call responder) she just hung up on me over and over again... The north of my whole state is packed with Hillary's demented pawns . I have to get the fuck out of here, but the temp agency's (all Mexican) harassing me at every job I work calling me trump while they could not have known my political views unless they were in my phone. And I find it great that Hillary lost cause these are the people who were her support building this up with confidence in they're constant harassing and I caught on, they have to be in my phone. I had people stack mattresses and have them fall on me like domino's smashingy eldow, to trying to "gas light" me after I had done extensive research on group stalking had fuckers pull guns on me, had people try poisoning me. And I can't escape cause I don't have the cash nor family or I would be living happy in a cabin with a little sweetie. Sorry for poor writing my phone is crap with small screen. I'll be posting the full story after I see lawyer and police tomorrow.

/r/The_Donald Thread