medical office made a mistake now I'm stuck with the bill.

they are not going to go back and read your card when they are ordering,

DUHH why would they go back and READ!!!! That like takes time. Its SOooOOO much easier to just "DO SHIT" and then just whatever the F happens happens.

Also when booking the appointment

  • The receptionist is going to ask who the insurance carrier is, then theyll ask for the member number to confirm you are covered.
  • Then thell tell you to book the appointment online via the website and the website will have you fill out the carrier and member id number with a PDF image of the insurance card
  • Then when you get to the office theyll ask for the physical card and make copies of it.
  • Then thell ask you to sit down and write on the intake form your name, DOB and the name of the insurance carrier and member ID #.

But when its time to actually use the insurance card and place the lab order they're just gonna kinda FUC**NG WING IT and see what happens.....

IDK about you but i definitely want medical professionals who dont even bother to read, taking care of me. s/

US Healthcare, you cant even make this shit up if you try.

/r/Insurance Thread Parent