Can an injury claim be pursued at a later date from the time of the incident?

Thank you for responding. Agreed, I don't want insurance to determine whether I get treatment either. It's just that since they're improving, it doesn't seem like the ER is needed. I think I'm gonna call a hospital to get their opinion on if I should go in. Just also don't wanna screw myself if it turns out to be something immensely serious that's just beyond my financial capabilities.

So the actual process- if I tell them my symptoms are minimal/do not appear to require care, does the insurance company close it because of low severity right now, and re-open later if I contact again? Or do I just have to keep them on hold until I get ahold of a doctor or am sure I am ok? I read some figure that they have 30 days to investigate (The statue of limitations is longer, it's a few years). I'm not sure how those two things relate.

They've been calling me everyday since the incident and it just feels awkward trying to avoid the conversation because I don't want to seem suspicious either. Just grew up in a family that, essentially, never went to the doctor aside from when my mom got pregnant with my siblings. I'm all willing to get treatment, just honestly having trouble navigating it. (I know that's not a question for here, but it's why I'm taking so long to seek it out basically and so unsure if I should go or not).

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