I share an unpopular opinion of those who prefer inception. I've read plenty of criticisms about it ranging from things about their underwhelming production( it's important to note that this is by ateez standards, which is pretty high imo) to them copying bts just because of an angsty high school concept( which cue eye roll). Obviously some are valid and some are laughable.

But I disagree that inception does not seem title track worthy.

As someone who watched the 16 min diary preview lmao, I think it fits perfectly and I was personally moved by the lyrics.

(also unpopular but I think it's because I strongly believe it's not meant to be read romantically as a lot of people seem to do).

Regardless,its a good comeback but not one of their best. Not inception. Not thanxx imo. still. I personally think its a relatively good album.

**One thing that absolutely annoys me are people who say everyone chose inception because of CA. hahaha cute but no. It may surprise you but not everyone has the same music taste, no matter how shitty they are.

/r/unpopularkpopopinions Thread