Men of Reddit, what innocent behaviors have you changed out of fear you might be accused of wrong doing?

I will never for as long as I live have a relationship or even a friendship with any woman. Women have pretty much proven to me they can't be trusted, are very self-centered, very emotionally detached, very manipulative and lastly very childish. If things don't go their way, you suddenly become the victim. Even helping women with menial tasks or being kind or polite out of my own positive, friendly character are things I probably won't really do anymore out of fear of being used or worse, stepping into something that will have an even worse outcome. Respect has to be earned not given and my opinion of all women has been completely soured by my own horrible experiences. Every friendship or relationship I've ever had has ended in regret and emotional turmoil, and I wouldn't wish what I've been through on anyone else. They say women are the emotional ones, they are wrong. Women can hurt men so badly, and then not even care, or regret what they do. It's soul destroying. One "friend" almost got me thrown out of school, for nothing, because she felt like it, and because she knew she could by making up a few lies about me, for fun. not sure how she even lives with herself, I couldn't. All women ever do is treat you like a doormat. Equality and mutual respect my ass.

/r/AskReddit Thread