[Meta] Let's improve the FAQ!

What is XM?

Mention how XM is equivalent to mana in most other games. Almost all actions in the game require XM, but it is not regenerated, but easy to obtain.

How do I get XM?

Talk about power cubes and recycling?

How do I lose XM?

XM is expended when completing most actions in the game:

  • Hacking
  • Placing resonators (including upgrading or capturing portals)
  • Placing mods
  • Creating Links (including Fields)
  • Firing Weapons -> enemy portals will attack back and cause you to lose extra xm

Different rarity of mods, different levels of resonators and weapons will use different amounts of XM. Higher the level = more XM used.

How often can I hack a portal?

Explain the cooldown and burnout better with an example:

  • 8:00 am hack portal first time
  • 8:30 am hack portal
  • 9:00 am hack portal
  • 9:30 am hack portal (Burnout)

The next hack is available at 12:00pm


  • 1:00 pm hack portal first time
  • 3:30 pm hack portal
  • 3:40 pm hack portal
  • 3:50 pm hack portal (Burnout)
  • 4:00 pm hack portal (Burnout renews from 1:00 pm)
  • 4:10 pm hack portal
  • 4:20 pm hack portal
  • 4:30 pm hack portal

How is portal level determined?

I would highlight a portal is the average of all available resonator slot (empty or filled) rounded down. Most new players follow up with questions why a portal with a single L4 resonator is only L1 when the average is 4... They usually figure out on their own about rounding down , however making it up clear up front would be helpful.

What does it mean for a resonator to decay? How can I stop this?

Resonators will decay by 15% suddenly every 24 hours based on the initial portal capture time. It would take 7 days for a portal to decay naturally on its own without recharges or enemy players attacking.

Many players seem confused on when portal decay happens.

What are the levels of portal shields?

When talking about mitigation here, its not a bad idea to talk about how links will also factor into mitigation.

What is a Force Amp

There's no section on this so here goes:

A force amp is mod used to increase the damage dealt to enemy players when they hack or attack the portal. The purpose of this mod is to increase the amount of XM an enemy loses when they interact with the portal.

There is only one rarity of force amp, unlike shields, heatsinks, and multi-hacks.

Adding more than one force amp to a portal is discourage as there is a diminishing returns when additional Force Amps are installed; the second, third and fourth mod slot of a portal is better used with shields or a Turret for defensive purposes.

What is a Turret

There's no section on this so here goes:

A turret is a mode used to increase the damage dealt to enemy players when they hack or attack the portal. This is similar to Force Amp, but only provides a slight damage increase, but cause the portal to attack multiple times per action; Force amps increase damage of a single attack, the turret causes more than one attach to occur. The purpose of this mod is to increase the amount of XM an enemy loses when they interact with the portal.

Similar to a Force amp, there is only one rarity of a Turret.

Adding more than one Turret is discouraged as there is a diminishing returns when additional Turrets are installed; the second, third and fourth mod slot of a portal is better used with shields or a Force Amp for defensive purposes.

I can write more later...

/r/Ingress Thread