This noob Ling accused me of using MH when they recalled at the most predictable bush.

First off, he's already inside the bush when I hit him, and there's no sound cue when someone is hit inside the bush, unless he's out of it. You could try it out yourself.

And yes, I have means to predict him when he used the speed up thingy, and like I said, sometimes when I hit my arrow it's just out of sheer luck. I didn't know that that would be the bush he would be recalling in, and there are a lot of factors to consider here, he was still visible after clearing those minions. But since he went that way, it's worth a try to hit that particular bush, and to my surprise he's there.

And I didn't wait to ambush or confront him because I didn't know he would be recalling near the blue buff, and what I meant by "predictable" was in terms on him retreating. Plus I know I'm backed up by Zilong so, if I hit him with my arrow, he can just secure the kill, just like what happened.

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