AITA for uninviting our childfree friend from a girls vacation because she was upset another friend was bringing her daughter?

The thing is, Ashley didn't say she was going to bring her daughter, and it doesn't seem like she expected it. The other friend brought it up, and the majority of the group agreed it was fine. It wouldn't make sense to Kick Ashley because one person doesn't like it. If she really wanted to go, without dealing with the kid, they probably could have compromised some childfree activities as well, where Ashley did stay behind and do something else with her daughter. Sam went straight for "Croch goblin ruin trip, im not going!!!!" And seemed shocked when OP didn't like that she was insulting her friends child. (You'd think even if she didn't like kids, she'd realize that it's still her friends child)

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent