Meta wasn't showing the elderly and women the same housing ads as everyone else. It now says its new ad-targeting algorithm won't discriminate.

I understand. I'm not in support or a fan of advertisings and marketers. It's all schemey bs to me. However the ads in this situation aren't the issue (even tho I could go without the ads period). I mean I could use this same reasoning and complaint when I see chicken and soul food restaurant ads, or when I see things predominantly about basketball, women or weed. However I enjoy all these things and I do look these things up even outside of Facebook.

If Facebook is really targeting them on some bullshit (I don't like Facebook anyway, been banned for like 30 days already again, got 4 more) then by all means light they ass up and let them know what's up. But this just ain't it lol. Same energy should be had about all the racism and sexism on Facebook. Or the amount of things they censor and suspend you for. I mean Facebook/Meta/whatever is so on point and on time with responding to things like this but when it comes to all of the blatant censorship and bullshit bans/suspensions, they're nowhere to be seen.

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