Michael Moore: Hillary Clinton Lost Because She Ran A ‘Disgraceful’ Campaign, Ignored Key States

I've been insulted repeatedly in this thread but I complain about someone being too verbose and its "mean". Read through my comment history, I try very hard to be civil but I have some limits.

Did I insult you? I don't condone anyone insulting you. If I insulted you I'd like to know so I could apologize.

Let me tell you a little secret of reddit. The longer a comment is, the less breaks for paragraphs etc. the more work it is to get through and the less people who will read it. Your response here is waaaay too long.

Too long for what? You read it. I don't care if anyone else does and if I decide I want them to I'll make a CMV about it and "punch it up" lol.

tell me a better secret of Reddit, I already knew that one.

Also I usually use a lot of line breaks.

{ALSO: if you want I can tell you how to get more people to read longer and well-written posts that aren't designed for MTV/Twitter level of discourse.}

Another reddit helpful hint. If you make a claim, you provide the link.

I'm taking this as you asking for a direct link to the documents:

Penn Strategy Memo 3-19-07 on Scribd. Check it out: https://www.scribd.com/book/4097983

In case you doubt the veracity of this here is the The Atlantic article:

Penn Strategy Memo, March 19, 2007

Just take the time to read the whole thing.

Do you need me to prove he was her chief strategist?

Do you also need me to prove Hillary ran in 2008?

/r/politics Thread Parent Link - dailycaller.com