Might actually kill myself. Bombed the mcat

all the other premed student have a bright future. I dont. I did terrible on the mcat (granted i didn't study). Also, i have nothing going for me. I dont have some big wonderful shadowing experience. I dont have much volunteering. I dont have anything. Im only have my two BS degrees in biology and chem when i graduate this month. I have a good gap almost 3.9 (if i dont do terrible in a vetor analysis class I'm taking now). Other than that, I'm pathetic. I have no friends, no boyfriend, never go out and have fun. No parties, no sex, nothing, absolutely nothing. All the other premed student have everything accomplished with their 520+ scores and their perfect transcripts and resumes. They have fun in life with their repressive gf or bfs. They are happy people. I just have a year of lab reproach with coordination chemistry and gold nanoparticles. Im working with a professor to get a genomic paper published in some englis journal. I wish i had more going for me. I honestly want to hang myself. I went on reddit for support and have received many hurtful comments. I dont feel like I'm even worth med school. I honestly, can't handle working towards a high gpa while juggling work, research, shadowing, and what not. Im pathetic and worthless. Im sorry. Don't even read this. I done.

/r/Mcat Thread Parent