Milwaukie becomes second-largest Oregon city to ban natural gas in new construction

You'll complain about literally any study that I post that's for natural gas. Let's not be obtuse. The best I can do is show you why the studies you favor don't make sense. Was that not clear to you in what I wrote?

If pipes in the ground are antiquated then let's add water to this list. Most US cities lose double digit percentages of water every year and water lines get contaminated along the way. See? I can be obtuse too. Of course we won't stop putting infrastructure in the ground, even if it worse off for being there.

If you're worried about efficiency then why not pass laws based on gas furnaces? None of this targets gas furnaces, which is the source of most of the natural gas usage in this state. Instead, it's sweeping legislation based on lazy conclusions and flimsy evidence.

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