What is your dating/relationship LPT?

Dating tip:


The early examples you set are difficult to change without a fair amount of discomfort, or miscommunication.

Ex: You are really into each other and text 5,000 times a day. You know this isn't sustainable. You will eventually text them less. When you slow down, it comes off like disinterest, even if it isn't. In addition, you may also burn yourself out of the connection as well and actually BE disinterested because you associate that person with exhaustion.

This goes doubly for overstaying your welcome. You're both so smitten that you keep doing these marathon dates, and you're getting into work late, or losing a lot of sleep. One of you assholes should be the responsible one and NOT do that. The end result is that you can't keep it up, and when you stop it, it's going to feel like the connection is fading from both sides. It's also going to enforce that 'this person = exhaustion' connection in your subconscious. (One, or two datees at the start like this is fine, but you have to nip it in the bud)

General rule of thumb is you should be increasing things as you become closer.

Increasing communication frequency. Increasing amount of time spent together. Increasing vulnerability. etc.

So, start of slowly, and let people in closer step by step. That way your words and your actions are matching.

Relationship tip:

Pay attention - remember stuff. This goes for men and women.

Be curious, and take note.

Personally, I also take this to idiosyncrasies, fuckups, etc. Healthy mutual mocking / inside jokes is essential.

Something about people remembering shit makes you feel special.

/r/OkCupid Thread