I miss the old Breakout...

I like the new breakout as much as the old. It's just different. I think people are quick to judge when something changes, pointing out differences without much consideration for how they're better or worse. A common complaint I see is how the flag is brought back to home base now. Sometimes it does go really fast. But after playing a few nights I realized what it does is makes you haul ass and move when someone grabs the flag, you can't just camp and wait for them to come by with it. It makes going for the flag a lot more viable. I like shotguns too, just as 'unique' as smg starts but a little less spray and pray. And then shields, I always felt TTK was just too fast without them, new shields balance well with shotguns.

Not saying the new version is significantly better, but it's not really significantly worse either, I don't understand why people are so negative on it. I feel like people will complain no matter what they do. They could change it again and the same thing would happen. I just wish people who complained actually had suggestions for how/why to change something for the better instead of just saying 'this sucks now.'

/r/halo Thread