I miss when Bungie would at least name the next season and reveal more info on it after content had slowed down in the current season.

Chalk this up to COVID. Witch Queen would likely be coming out in 2 months otherwise.. and we certainly would have seen a trailer for it during the 3 weeks surrounding E3. This is the first time since Destiny came out that we didn't see any official trailer for it around that time.. even last year when everything got cancelled we got a trailer for Beyond Light.

Usually we'd not only have an official trailer, we'd see some gameplay, we'd have a ViDoc or even a podcast for people who remember when they did those.. and they'd go do multiple interviews.

You're right about Bungie day, we should expect something. We are getting a pretty substantial patch to crucible and they have hot-fixed a few other things as well where they'd usually just make us wait, so they certainly understand how we feel. It's just one of those times where we're going to have to have patience.

/r/DestinyTheGame Thread