[MONDAY] Unknown Artist of the Week Nominations/Voting

since Netherfriends has just over 25k (25.9k) listeners on Last.fm, if you feel that's a bit too much, then there's also...



They're a soul band out of Chicago that does a lot of rap collabs alongside their solo music. Maceo, the lead singer, has a really really unique, raspy voice that really echoes and emphasizes his emotions really really well. The acoustics/instrumentals on all their tapes are really high quality sounding and very intimate. They've also done a few features, like Noname Gypsy's Sometimes and more popularly, Ab-Soul’s These Days. They know how to make a really happy song like My House and a very beautiful and somber song like Simply Beautiful, which is amazing to me. try out some of these tracks:

Bout A Dolla ft Twista, Chuck Inglish, Chip Tha Ripper, Chance the Rapper

The Wonder Years ft Chance the Rapper

Precious Light ft Zion, Dally Auston & Zack Wicks

Mystic Pussy ft Iceface, GLC & Dally Auston

They have a few tapes out that are all worth checking out IMO.

A Humble Masterpiece

Keeping the Faith EP

Family Cookout with Donnie Trumpet

As well as Potty Mouth EP & Chicago Style, both of which are on their soundcloud in their entirety

They have features from some hip hop legends as well as a lot of local acts. Probably my favorite soul band that I've heard in the past decade.

Here are some of my favorites by them that don't have any rap collabs on them:


Swing Low Heavy

Simply Beautiful


My House

I also HIGHLY HIGHLY recommend their AudioTree set, found here. One of my favorite AudioTree sessions.

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