Monthly Goal Thread for July 2020

Holy shit, we're in July and Q3 already. 2020 is indeed completely out of wack, but I'm making the best of it.


Complete decluttering of parents' home and selling useless material goods Done with the decluttering, sale of goods will carry on as a constant. Feels good, and parents are really appreciative since they've been wanting to tackle this for a long time and just needed help getting started/keeping on track.

Clean out & vacuum both cars Done! Feels amazing. I plan to put more effort into keeping it clean now that we're driving significantly less.

Spray down garage on a hot day Did not do. All the hot days this June have been very humid so motivation has been low. Will move this to July.

Stretch goal: clean out my Chrome bookmarks stash Did not do. I spent the bulk of my time reviewing, photographing, listing, crosslisting, and packaging items from spring cleaning. This goal will move to July.


  • Spray down garage on a hot day

  • Make progress in cleaning out my Chrome bookmarks stash

  • Review photos from old phones, save them to HD & wipe the phones

  • Leisurely look through magazine stack for guest bedroom decor inspiration

/r/FIREyFemmes Thread