Monthly Suggestions Thread

Since GrizzledGM is kind of dead, I would love to bring here the best settings still not present in BBGM. I would love the u/dumbmatter and the other dev to reunite, but this sounds kind of impossible.

I would love the possibility to change league selection, as in GrizzledGM (where it is possible to choose CBA and EuroLeague too, if I am not mistaken).

Like, another panel with "New League, Rest of the World", and import the new-made Euroleague roster for example, or else "New League, fantasy settings" and use the drafts listed here by u/alexnoob .

Plus, some panels like "New League, College" or "New League, High School" would be optimal!

I know that you can create your own College league whatsoever, or import the rosters, but the UI would be much better and could attract much more the newcomers!

Plus, this is not something difficult to implement, much of the code is already there!

/r/BasketballGM Thread