Morgan Freeman once said in an interview that racism would likely die on its own if people just stopped talking about race period. Could this be plausible?

American society has never done what Morgan freeman is discussing here. I’m not saying he’s clearly right, I think it’s complicated, but as a minority that doesn’t have a “history month” and doesn’t care for one, I can see where he’s coming from.

Immigrants are a great representation of Morgan’s ideals. Many immigrants don’t want to peep a word about their race or race relations (at least outwardly) because they just want to integrate and have their children be well integrated. This was what happened with my family, and we’re extremely well integrated now within two generations and racism isn’t really something we deal with despite being of different color and origin. Yes there are exceptions, but it’s few enough for us that we can be essentially live in hat we think are normal American lives.

Again, I get this is nuanced and that civil disobedience absolutely is effective, all I’m trying to say is that his statements can certainly be respected even by minorities who we think are the ones “losing out” from not pushing the race envelope.

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