MRAs and Feminists. What can we do for each other? This sub needs to branch out and help solve both gendered issues.

And how about the fact that there is a very real parity gap between men and women when it comes to the criminal justice system?

If society is run by "The patriarchy" and said patriarchy is a system designed 'by men' for the benefit of men and to oppress women..
Then why do we have such a massive gap when it comes to sentencing men vs sentencing women?

If patriarchy were a thing we would expect the parity to swing in the other direction aka women would get longer sentences than men for the same crimes.. not how it is now where men are flat out 50% more likely to receive a jail sentence for their crimes and when they do it will on average be 60% longer than what a woman would get for the same crime.

This alone is enough to tell me that we absolutely do not live in a patriarchy as defined by feminists

/r/FeminismUncensored Thread Parent