Mt Hood Theater - Drive-Up Popcorn Sales Today!

Back in, oh, '97 I worked at Lowe's Cinema 9 in the big city of South Burlington, Vermont, as a popcorn jockey. A professional jock, basically. One of my jobs was to take a scoop of this super yellow salt/oil mix and one corresponding scoop of popcorn and run the popcorn machine. Well, one day it was kind of slow between showings of Face-Off and George of the Jungle, and I decided I would mix in three scoops of the yellow oil mix and just one scoop of popcorn. Just like you might expect the popcorn came out neon yellow. Ultra salty and bright. In retrospect I think we probably could have charged more for it, we had patrons that wanted triple butter and would have loved the extra salt. But I kind of panicked, expecting the boss to be in at any minute. So the best thing I can think of to do was to pop two batches of white popcorn with no yellow. The problem was when I mixed the white popcorn with the bright popcorn it didn't even out it just was lots of white popcorn mix with these super bright yellow kernels. I put it all in a huge garbage bag and put it under the stairs.

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