murderer is upset that people don't like him

I don't believe anything and didn't do any of the things you accused me of in your post. Everything I did is public. I acknowledged he killed two people, I named them both in my post. My username is the word throwaway with a bunch of random crap thrown after it to make it unique. There are 3 8's, not two. Even if there were only 2, not every sequence of 2 8's is a dog whistle. I am prochoice, proimmigration, pro Medicare for all, pro social safety nets, etc... and yet you accuse me of being alt-right rather than engaging with my arguments.

I'm worried that you are experiencing some sort of psychosis. You should consider taking time off the internet and possible seeking professional help. You are clearly mentally unwell and I will not engage with you any further as you are not capable of engaging with an argument and you are making up conspiracy theories to attack me rather than replying to any of my arguments.

I wish you the best and I hope you are in a better place mentally some day.

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