Music for the tripperatti

Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

Hey @omfgninja @JoshTheDerp @EvolutionTheory @ZippyDoozy @TheLSDEater and @TurnedOnTunedIn yeah I'm a little concerned. I ain't askin' a question here. I prepared a list and stuff for people in this sub. and this FOR FUCKS SAKE is a little fucking aggressive don'tcha think? I'm trying to set something up for people.... and yeah maybe people have asked similar questions, but fuck me, should I troll though ancient posts (hell maybe I acan spend all this time writingf a post for a thread tha is maybe 2 years old? lots of people would surely see that comment, right??)

....or am I free to add to the discourse?

I mean for fucks sake this is antithetical to the warm community feel of this sub. I know if you're borderline schizophrenic dosing is not always the best thing to do--- but this mod's aggro feel is really schitzo, man. Maybe you don't have to keep it at 11?

/r/LSD Thread Parent