My boyfriend expects me to cook for him because we went grocery shopping. He says I'm a housewife, but I am not since we are not married. What should I do?

Personally, I would cook. It is a compassionate act, I know what it’s like to work all day and come home and have to figure out what to cook for dinner so that I don’t become unhealthy because I eat out all the time. And some days, not always, it’s exhausting.

I think cook for someone else is a loving caring and compassionate act, I guess a question I have for you would be why wouldn’t you want to do it?

If it’s because your not any good at it, that’s okay you will only get better the more that you do it. And I am sure if you were cooking for a reasonable human being they would not mind having something that’s not perfect, just as long as you give it a try.

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