My Crush messaged me today asking if I was doing okay because he thought I died or something so now idk If I wanna yeet tonight or not :/

(Continued Vent)

He messaged me at first because I’m currently on break from Instagram (I pretty much stopped posting and didn’t say anything beforehand) and he told me that he didn’t hear from me for a few weeks and got worried.

I apologized for making him feel that way and he said that It was okay, and “As far as I know, you’re still alive,so that’s good enough for now” and pretty much explained that he thought I died (?) and now I don’t know how to feel about it

Idk what he meant by “good enough for now” and he didn’t really answer my question as to what that meant, so now I’m confused.

I only talk to him at least once a month so him messaging me like that scared the life out of me help

/r/MadeOfStyrofoam Thread Link -