My family problem, is my perception right or wrong?

I'm not exactly sure how to say what I'm feeling, bit your "I'm unhappy because I have a thirst for going out" unsettles me. You shouldn't strive necessarily for a totally passive state where you conform to any situation no matter how restrictive, calling your desire to escape the confines of obstructed liberty a "thirst". There's no "getting rid" of desire. You watch and get to know the thing, watch to know your true motivations.

From my perspective, wanting a social life and feeling your parents are too controlling (especially now that you are an adult) is a healthy and rational way to feel and they do seem to be in the wrong. Maybe converse with your mom if she seems to be the one with her head on straight.

Just to reiterate, simply wanting a social life and to make your family happy is not in virtuous. If you feel you are at home because you are chasing a security you didn't appreciate in the past (I'm not sure I'm interpreting that part correctly), maybe it's time to move out, or at least start doing more for yourself.

Hope this all makes sense

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