My first exraid!

Had my first ex-raid today and on location there were a kid maybe 8 years old who said to his father ‘If I catch this one it will be my 7th mewtwo’ and I was really close to throw the kid and his phone out in the sea in frustration.. no I’m not jealous or something but the way some kids say things are often very annoying, like on CMD they have to scream as loud as they can that they got a shiny. Just annoying. But the raid was finished way to quick and didn’t have to fight really but the I had one more important thing to do, catch mewtwo. It’s was i really anticlimax, golden razz plus curveball and aimed for great but got nice on first throw (got 12 balls from the raid) and when the ball was shaking first time and second time I was pumped to at least get a fight with catching mewtwo but my mood went down when the third shake came.. So anticlimax after a week of getting excited to the max. First mewtwo and first throw that was “only” nice and caught it. Nice with mewtwo of course but not as much as I thought it would be. Only 2 mons left in Gen1 now and it’s the asian bird and the australian kangaroo or whatever it is so one step closer to catch them all

/r/pokemongo Thread