My friends Sunday dinner interrupted by the cops.

This is my friends Facebook post about the cops in Tuttle, OK. "So we are having sunday dinner at my parents house when a man approaches my parents front glass door. We don't know this man from Adam. My brother in law answers the door. He talks to the man for a minute then my brother in law asks my dad to come to the door. My dad then closes the door. I peep through the shades to see if the man got on his car, bike, scooter, jet... wherever he came from. He jumps into his Nissan versa and pulls out the drive and stops about ten feet from their entrance. I open the door and notice two pieces of paper. Turns out to be a credit judgement and the man was serving papers to someone and was turned away by my dad. So essentially he littered and loitered their property. I grabbed the paper and started walking towards his car Nissan Versa. I take out my phone and snap a picture of his tag so I can document the littering/loitering. He then takes off then jams on his brakes 10 feet down the road and runs out to confront me. This gentleman who identified himself as officer of the peace "____" comes out of his car yelling "I'll fucking kill you". I then announce "citizens arrest" and stand in front of his car whilst my brother and brother in law circle it. I call Tuttle Police and they arrive within 15 minutes. They first talk to me about the events leading up until where I took the picture, but before I tell them what followed. I was cut off, then they turned their attention to officer of the peace Doofy. After about 2 minutes of tough detective work they let Doofy go. I then asked the officer (one not included in video) to give me an explanation of how one can do that? He said because, "he had done nothing wrong". I then look at the guy and said, "You cut my statement off". I then explained the previous events in detail. He says, " you never told me that". I'm like no shit Sherlock "you didn't give me an opportunity". Then I break down the situation of if he (being a cop and armed vs. me having two flesh and bone arms) was in my shoes whether or not he'd make headline news. He said, "have a great night". I ask for a business card for documentation and he again says, "have a good night". I call back the Tuttle PD and ask for a supervisor to call me back. Just so happens it was the other officer that showed up the first time. Officer Jason N. Lanier shows up while I'm swinging my niece in the backyard. I walk to the front yard and meet him where my parents driveway meets concrete to gravel. I shake his hand and thank him for coming. I think cordially ask him about filing a report. He then denies that he will file because the report was false. My Dad then says he's full of crap and Officer Jason N. Lanier grabs at his holster and says to my Dad you are both inebriated (My dad hasn't drank since 1991). I don't think the 3 beers I had were strong enough to deem us both drunk. Unless he doubles as the drug dog too. This is the conversation that follows... Protect and Serve -By the way NO WARRANTS."

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