My Opinion Of Multilevel Marketing is_____

I have seen the one from the company yorhealth. The one where i work.

I can garantee you that the people who succeed at the top would like for people at the bottom to be better and earn more because that makes THEM earn even more.

if the structure of an mlm is bad and a lot of the time its not done correctly only the top people will earn a lot and not because they are so good but because they are at the top and that compensates for a lack of good structure organisation etc...

it's not true that there has to be people failing in order for a few to succeed on the contrary they would earn even more if the rest of the people were better.

If an mlm is badly run then only people at the top will earn a lot because they happen to be at the top but that is not a desirable condition even for the people at the top. Like I said they would earn more if others were better.

You make it sound like a conspiracy. Any company wants their distributors to be successful but making that a reality depends a lot on the people. You are over estimating the power of the company to influence things.

In an mlm what's different is that you have to work for yourself there is no garanty of becoming rich, you have to study a lot. Most people like in normal life don't work hard enough to achieve greatness.

Most people who want to be football players fail, most people who want to be a nba basketball player fail etc....Why do people try if the percentages of people actually making it are so low.

They keep on trying because it has nothing to do with chances. it's about performance. If you get to a certain standard you will play in the nba, you will be a pro football player.

its the same in mlm, if you build your network to a certain standard if you have the knowledge and capability to achieve that standard then you WILL earn a lot.

If you can't recruit enough people, if you don't have enough customers, if you can't create team spirit etc... is that the fault of the mlm business or is that your fault?

98 to 99 percent of people apparently aren't entrepreneurs. Which is what mlm tries to teach. But the reality is that the fact that an elite earn most of the money isn't always a conspiracy, it's also about standard.

/r/Entrepreneur Thread