Is it possible to take the good of #blackout without the bad?

With many things discussed on this sub, there's going to be good and bad. The guy started it because he felt he wasn't seeing any black people on his tumblr. So he wanted to change that. Pefectly valid. Some people are talking about it terms of black people and beauty standards. Beauty standards in America/the Western world and how they affect black people are a legitimate issue and one worth talking about.

I can like the good parts of it, i.e taking action and starting a conversation about the issues you feel are important, celebrating black people, expanding beauty standards. I think there's a whole lot of people who don't really think about beauty standards or all of the cultural baggage that's entangled in it for black people. There's colorism, which is discrimination based on skin tone and something. There are lots of conversations to be had about black women's hair and the cultural pressure, internal and external to straighten it.

At the same time, I can recognize that "Evil white people oppressing black beauty" is a hyperbolic statement that oversimplifies years and years of history and cultural baggage. Some our beauty standards have their roots in America's very racist past. Some are natural consequences of a society that's predominately white. Some are upheld actively by people and some are upheld subconsciously as a product of our environments. It's a complex issue and one worth talking about. But as a rational adult and someone who cares about the issue, I can recognize that phrasing it as "Evil white people are oppressing black beauty" doesn't help anyone. It exacerbates the conflict, ascribing much more agency and malice to white America than actually exists (at least on this issue), while at the same time pissing off your average white person who might benefit from learning about beauty standards and how they affect minorities/the country as a whole.

At the end of the day, you shouldn't refuse to engage with an idea or a concept because a few people on the far end of the spectrum said something you don't like.

/r/TiADiscussion Thread