In my opinion, University is still beneficial for a Computer Science career.

My biggest problem with recommending 4 year CS degrees is not a high school student going to uni or someone who wants to make a major switch, I don't think there's really too much argument there, it's the questions that are some coverage of:

  • I'm in my late 30s or older
  • I'm currently not in CS and have no CS experience
  • I coded something once or twice or have no experience coding
  • I don't like my current career
  • I want to get into CS cause I like computers
  • I want to make more money and CS has big pay checks and my financial situation isn't great
  • I have some mental illness that's untreated or in the process of getting treated
  • Given that, what should I do? Get a 4 year degree?

I pretty much don't answer those type of questions at all cause personally it feels irresponsible to recommend a degree in a field where entry level is pretty hard and ageism exists, has abusive talent agencies, and can cost quite a bit in addition to 4 years of life for a career they essentially don't even know if they'll like or if it'll even make more money if they start at entry level later in life.

The answer is no longer will a uni degree get you a job, the answer in reality is I don't know nearly enough about you as a person or your situation to answer this question, but it's usually those threads where I don't think uni is (often) a good idea.

/r/cscareerquestions Thread