my straight friend keeps flirting with me. help.

Once I read an article that straight guys get much more "happy hormones" from a boys-night-out than spending time with females.

I think he finds it cute to goof out with you even if it's a bit sexual. On the other hand, maybe he just wants to cuddle but he's afraid that it would be awkward to do it in a "serious" way. It's easier to joke about it and make it funny/sexual because that's what most of straight guys do - making sexual jokes all the time. It feels more natural for him. But the result is the same as if he was serious abo0ut it: he gets a good amount of body contact.

Body contact is important for everyone. It releases tons of oxytocins. You should read the article "Why men need platonic touch"

PS. if you don't mind I'll send you a private message about this topic and my personal experience.

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