Naked titty steamers calls Trainwrecks a druggy

Coming into these threads when you aren't already predetermined to hating one side or being a fan of another side is pretty interesting.

I can honestly see both points. Twitch is bias and shitty and twitches policy regarding camgirls should be clarified and made equivalent for all streamers. Conversely, that isn't a titty streamers fault that twitch wants to be bias in their favor and they get a lot of hate/harassment for it even though it isn't their fault and I can't for the life of me see what they are doing wrong, I don't find skin offensive. And mirroring their perspective, if I was breaking a law and a cop just let me off without a ticket, i'm certainly not gonna be like, no that's unfair that guy got a ticket, give me one too. I'm gonna be glad I got off even if this system is unfair and shit.

For them, I think Trainwrecks is just an easy way to add a face and name to all people who give them shit and by firing shots at him they are mostly just being defensive and trying to fire back at all people shitting on them constantly.

/r/LivestreamFail Thread Link -